Daily Truthbase Week in Review

These opening chapters of the Bible have a lot of foundational principles. So if you didn't get to at least skim all the sections, this would be a great time for you to review and chew.

Review the headlines, and see if you can recall some of the chapter content.
Chew on a couple of ideas that you churned up. 
You might want to go over the “God and us in a nutshell” sections, and see if it matches your understanding of the Scriptures.

You could also look at the possible applications, and make sure you made at least one God-glorifying response to His Revelation. (Remember: Worship is a Response to Revelation that shows God is Worthy of your best.)

  1. The major portrait of God, and what we can expect from Him are:
  2. The major things you could conclude about man and what God wants from Him are:
  3. The major response you you made to God's Revelation was...
You could also Dig Deeper and explore a link or two, or make a comment, or leave some feedback so it can better meet your needs.
Or, you could like Daily Truthbase on Facebook, and pass along the Blog to a friend (or enemy).

THEN pack up one of the nuggets you discovered, and share it with someone on Sunday, with the hope that it will edify them, and encourage them to devour the Word on a daily basis.
That would be Biblical fellowship. God and I would smile.


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